custom web application builder, and content management systems


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About MODx

MODx is an open source project, run by a talented group of people adamant about not creating YAPS (Yet Another Portal System).

GNU GPL Open Source Software

On the business and technical end of things, MODx is licensed as a GPL project, which translates into free for anyone to use. It's built in PHP, uses a MySQL database backend and runs on pretty much any version of either released in the last few years. For web servers, it'll work with either Apache or IIS. Its Control Panel, or Manager if you prefer, runs on pretty much any modern browser, including Safari. It also allows you to quickly leverage the lastest rage of AJAX/Web 2.0 technologies. If you want to learn more, just peek at the features.

For Optimal Results

While MODx will run almost anywhere, the following guidelines should serve you well. We've spent hundreds of hours in the forums that can be traced back to really cheap hosting, so you do get what you pay for there.




Ryan Thrash
Dallas Texas
United States 75214
(214) 682-5050

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