
Buddhist Blog Community of Everyday Dharma : Moonpointer


Gratitude : Law of Unknown Sacrifice

You will have no idea of the exact amount of sacrifice others (including strangers) have gone through for you, just as others will have no idea of the exact amount you have sacrificed for them... that is - till you are enlightened. So it is always better to be kind and grateful to everyone than not. - Klesa

It is no one's fault in that no particular one is at fault. It is a misunderstanding due to circumstances, mutual delusion if you will, as both are in a way too at fault, for not realising they are each probably at fault to some extent. This is the nature of much matters in our world. The only way to solve such problems is for individuals to awaken. - Klesa

Train : Everywhere But Nowhere

Unless you have motion sickness, I think most of us like riding on trains, especially subway trains. Where's the kick? While not needing to move much, you get whizzed around to places. You get to sight-see interesting scenery and people, overhear the occasional intriguing conversation, while enjoying the air-con. But of course, as with any forms of enjoyment we indulge in, it gradually becomes sickening. One realises one is apparently going places but is actually going in circular loops to nowhere in particular. It essentially is a trap. Time to get off the train of Samsara. - Klesa

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