
Movie Low Down


The Movie Low Down is designed to help you make a sound selection for your movie viewing tonight. Whether you're going out to the theater or to rent one for home, Movie Low Down offers a current, objective and subjective view of your movie viewing possibilities. The purpose of our reviews is to give recommendations. There will not be any slam reviews or negative critiquing. If a film is absent from the new release section, there's a good chance it's on purpose. The rental archive is designed to help you discover movies you may not have already heard of or may have missed in the theater. Movie Low Down is an aid to your decision making, not a celluloid platform for pontificating pedants.

Our reviews give you an overall feel for a film. They do not act as a spoiler and give away important plot twists or major story points. Why would you want to know everything that takes place in a film and then go see it? So with that in mind, come to the Movie Low Down and get the vibe of a film, go see it, then discuss it till you turn blue.

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