-Organization of Zen Buddhist temples and related groups.


Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism


John Daido Loori, Roshi

John Daido Loori, Roshi is the spiritual leader and abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery. Trained in koan Zen as well as in the subtle school of Master Dogen's Zen, he is a dharma heir of Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi Roshi. He has received transmission in both the Rinzai as well as Soto lines of Zen Buddhism. Abbot Loori lives at the Monastery year round and is very active in its day-to-day activities, making him highly accessible to students. Devoted to maintaining authentic Zen training, he has developed a distinctive style, called the Eight Gates of Zen, based on the Eightfold Path, involving both monastic and lay practitioners in a program of study that embraces every aspect of daily life. Zazen and a strong teacher-student relationship form the core of the training, supported by art practice and other areas of study, as was traditional during the Golden Ages of Chinese and Japanese Zen.

Abbot Loori is the founder and director of the Mountains and Rivers Order, an organization of Zen Buddhist temples, practice centers, and sitting groups in the U.S. and abroad. He is also president of Dharma Communications, a right-action enterprise devoted to making Buddhist teachings widely available through the production of video tapes, books, meditaion supplies, and a quarterly journal, Mountain Record. Drawing on his background as scientist, artist, naturalist, and Zen priest, Abbot Loori is an American master who speaks directly to students from the perspective of a common background. He is the author of numerous books, including True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen’s 300 Koans, The Zen of Creativity, The Eight Gates of Zen and editor of The Art of Just Sitting and Sitting with Koans.




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