
Official NANOSECOND website


We'll highlight Brigitte first because she is the best vocalist that NANOSECOND has! Brigitte StAmand (now Laskowski) was seen NATIONWIDE on CBC in 1981 in "Showability 81" She wrote a song called "Handicapped?"which got her the place on that show. The lyrics were alsoprinted in a book called "Golden Apples 1981"

IN 1984 Dan was finished authoring music sequencing software called "FASTFINGERS" which wasreviewed in the May 1986 "Computer Shopper" (pg 64) Having stood the "test of time" 5 years later in 1991 ,COMPUTE magazine wrote,"Fastfingers was written before the MIDI explosion, yet Laskowski programmed it for 256 sounds and even coaxed an extra suboctave out of the SID chip." The SID chip is the sound chip on the Commodore 64 for for those of you that don't know. The 96 Compute Magazine also stated "The dearth of new software for the 64 has sent developers back to their closets to have another look at older programs to see if there's something to dust off and reissue. Fastfingers is one such program, and the question arises, does it still stand up? We are compelled to give a qualified Yes." This may not seem pertinent, but it explainssome of the experiences that make up NANOSECOND. If NANOSECOND could squeeze good sound out of an 8 bit computer, what could they do with todays equipment? Take a listen and you will find out.

In 86 Dan finished some pitch tracking-MIDI software for the C64 and even burned it to a EPROM, but never released it. Other things would occupy his time.....

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