
Music Industry Jobs and Internships at

Description was created to provide assistance to those who make their living in the day to day, not always glamorous but usually fulfilling, music industry. All employers are welcome to post their music related jobs here for free.

What qualifies as a 'music related job'? While that term can be interpreted in different ways, our definition is any job or internship that has as it's primary focus to create, promote, distribute or inform about music, or is involved in the manufacturing of goods and services directed at the music industry.

Each job is personally reviewed, and questionable jobs prompt further inquiry with the posting employer. Jobs that may not match the above criteria may nonetheless be listed if we feel our visiting JobSeekers would have an interest in it. It would obviously be easier to let employers post what they wish, but there are numerous jobsites on the Net for that. The music industry needs one of it's own!

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