
My Spiritual Astrologer - Personal intuitive and financial astrology


Timothy Curley is an internationally recognized Spiritual Astrologer and national best-selling astrology author. His background is rich with spiritual study and personal spiritual experience plus strong academic achievement. He had his first spiritual vision at age four and performed a "miracle" healing at seven. His mother had the wisdom to educate him in the teachings of mysticism; and he has studied mysticism his entire life. His academic background includes eight years of full time college with a degree in psychology from UCLA. There he did research in parapsychology at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Research Hospital. He has been accepted for his doctorates program three times including the fields of medicine as well as chiropractic. But instead of following these lucrative paths, he chose to follow his higher intuitive calling.

Along with his formal education, he has studied at various secret mystical schools, where he attained their highest degrees in advanced studies. After his graduation from UCLA, one of the world’s largest ancient mystery schools invited him, as an expert in the field, to deliver a slide discourse to the 500 attendees of their western international convention. His presentation focus was on current research trends, methods, and discoveries in the field of parapsychology pertaining to the true teachings of mysticism.

Timothy is the author of the national number-one best-selling astrology books How to Read Your Own Horoscope, Predicting Love Marriage, Sex, and Money, plus his forthcoming book Daily Astrology for the Spiritually Minded. He conceived the idea for his most recent book as a result of several private meetings with the heads’ of this nation’s primary distributors of New Age, spiritually oriented books. The result was Daily Astrology for the Spiritually Minded. It is the first installment in a series of astrology books focusing on applied practical spiritual astrology for daily living. Each book in the series offers simple but extremely powerful methods for enhancing daily living using spiritual astrology.

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