Small composting devices for use in the home, based in US


Naturemill: Compost made easy!


We aim to make a difference. We diligently recycle paper, bottles, and cans. We read newspapers online to cut down on paper. We favor environmentally friendly products and packaging. Some of us even walk or bike to work. But despite our commitment to “the 3Rs” - reduce, reuse, recycle - we still produce shameful amounts of trash.

So we ventured into backyard composting. A humble kitchen crock diverts an impressive amount of trash from the kitchen to an outdoor compost pile. And unlike other forms of recycling, composting uses no chemicals, fossil fuels, or other environmentally harmful materials.

But a few months into our compost adventure, reality set in. It smells! It's dirty! Turning the pile each month is backbreaking! It's definitely no fun in the cold and rainy months. And besides, not everyone has a backyard. We should be able to engineer a better solution.

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