contains photos of landscapes, waterfalls, animals & birds


Habitat Nature Photography: "Our nature photography showcase"


There is great beauty in nature. Andy and I started HABITAT Nature Photography in 1983 to be able to express that beauty on film, and offer our unique photographic viewpoint. We try to capture in our photography the same sense of awe that we feel when we are out hiking about. We started the greeting card line at that time, and our extensive library of stock images has been used in brochures and commercial advertising.

The images on this website were made from high resolution scans of our original slides. Stay as long as you like, and feel free to browse!

Previously, we shot almost exclusively Kodachrome Professional slide film on 35mm Nikon gear, and liked the flexibility that 35mm equipment offers. Our lenses range from very wide angle, and extreme close-up to long telephoto. I now shoot exclusively with a 5MB Sony digital camera. It affords me a number of advantages, including much lighter gear, and the ability to instantly preview my shots. We almost always shoot with a tripod; use available light most of the time, but do use some flash, particularly for close-up work. We often use a polarizing filter to increase color saturation and control reflection. We always strive for the highest possible quality.

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