- Episcopal church organization for those living with HIV/AIDS


National Episcopal AIDS Coalition (NEAC)


Our Church Has AIDS

In response to those in our church who were living with HIV/AIDS and to the growing community of those affected by AIDS—caregivers, partners, friends, and loving ones—the National Episcopal AIDS Coalition was formed in 1988.Today, AIDS continues to spread in spite of treatment breakthroughs. NEAC continues to provide support for HIV and AIDS ministries across the Episcopal Church in the United States.

Our challenge is to continue to offer support for caregivers, give guidance on prevention, encourage the growth of a network for those who minister to those affected by HIV/AIDS, and advocate for a more compassionate AIDS policy. Wherever the need, NEAC is there for you.

Spring 2004: Doug Flater, director of resource development at the Desert AIDS Project, gave the NEAC board a tour of the facility




Brooklyn DC
United States 11238-2211

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