Title - Welcome


We are under the umbrella of RAF1-SW, a small software publishing firm that writes client tracking software for non-profits and then donates most of those profits back to the non-profit. You don't get real rich doing that kind of stuff but it is a way to give back to society. came about because I saw a huge hole in the internet. For example, when your ISP signs you up and you pay monthly for their service they give you between 5 MB and 15 MB of web space in which to put you website. If you are lucky they also give you a couple of email addresses and that is all. While 10 MB of web space is usually sufficient for a family to use for itself, it is NOT sufficient for anything else!!!

A small business decides to open up their opportunities and 'get on the internet' but they find that in addition to the thousands they need to pay for a web page development they also have to pay dearly for the hosting service on which to place that web presence. (anywhere from $100 - $250 per month in some cases!!!)

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26 Williams Place
Binghamton NY 13903 US

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