
Netica Bayesian Network Software from Norsys


Norsys specializes in Bayesian network software. Our product, Netica, has been under full-time development since 1992. It became commercially available in 1995, and in 1996 Norsys was incorporated. Netica is now the most widely used Bayes net development system.

Norsys is profitable, is debt-free, has good revenue growth, and is organized to be a stable and lasting entity. Most of our revenue comes from direct sales of Netica licenses and from OEM agreements. Here are partial lists of our commercial clients and of our academic clients.

We have ambitious plans for our Netica products. We are constantly adding features, and new releases are made every few months. As well as adding capabilities derived from the latest research in Bayes nets, we constantly improve usability and make additions requested by our clients.

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