

Our Inner Light Health & Wellness Jeri Reid

Jeri Reid specializes the education of Health & Wellness. Through Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual awareness, balance is key. Specifically at the physical level, the education of pH Balancing (Acid/Alkaline) of the blood and tissue is key. Live and Dry Blood Cell Analysis through Biological Blood Microscopy Education, program protocal and informative materials to help guide you to optimum health. Internal balance promotes optimal health. How you eat, live and think determines your state of health. Effortless Weightloss or weight gain, high energy, clarity, vitality! "The life is in the blood".

Our Inner Light Watkins Professional Centre 935 Main Street Suite 4B Courtyard Rear Manchester, CT 06040 860.463.5109

~Tranformational Trainer and Speaker

~Creator "The Employer's Advantage Program"

~Certified Biological Terrain Microscopist

~Internal Environmentalist

~Founder "Our Inner Light" Personal Development Programs

~Progressive Wellness Lifestyle Coach/Educator

~Director "Heal Thyself Educational Foundation"

Our Transformational programs bring awareness with an understanding of how physical, emotional, spiritual and mental balance will create optimal health. We guarantee a profound change in your state of health! Focusing on sustaining the integrity of healthy cellular regeneration is the key to overall wellness. The body can not sustain life if life maintenance is not present. Educational awareness to effects of specific patterns relative to eating, living and thinking that may be profounding impacting the quality of health. The affects of too much acid producing food or poor lifestyle habits may lead to dis-ease and the degeneration of the body. We teach you how not to "DO" dis-ease.

“There is only one true dis-ease and that is the over-acidification of the body do to an inverted way of eating, thinking and living.” Dr. Robert Young. Author of "The PH Miracle". Proper nutrition, hydration & elimination

Ask yourself...Is my body honking or humming?Working on balancing the integrity of the fluids of the body to restore optimal health works. We offer continual support.

The most progressive way to optimal health is done by utilizing the science of Cellular Biochemist & Microbiologist Dr. Robert O. Young's high electron rich, alkalizing lifestyle. It is easy, inexpensive with positive results recognized in less than 72 hours. Lets face it, in order to maintain life in the body, it is going to require some form of nutritional support or life support. No vehicle works well without maintenance! Replenishing vital minerals and nutrients while flushing out all the body's rivers, oceans and streams of waste products and toxicity will help relieve congestion and open channels for healing what ails you. Right now your body is in harmony with how you are eating, living and thinking. If it is expressing discomfort, it is time to change a few things and see what happens!

I will help you identify the triggers that are taking you out of balance. Totally non-invasive! We make it easy! Give the body what it needs to maintain life and it will take care of itself.

Specializing in imbalances professionally diagnosed such as all chronic dis-ease, cell transmutations/transformations related to cancers, i.e. neurological issues, pain management, weight loss, weight gain, emotional and mental challenges, yeast conditions: eczema to bowel disorders, all ailments related to digestive dis-orders and elimination dis-orders, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Gerd, gout, cellulitus, all vital organ issues, thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidney, gall bladder etc..., the total blood system as it relates to maintaining life. Optimal health is directly related to how well one maintains & supports the pH balance of the blood and tissue.




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