
Baby sleeping bags: A baby sleeping bag also called baby sleep sack for infants and toddlers.


Excerpted from the website:

Our family first became acquainted with baby sleeping bags, also called baby sleep sacks, when we were visiting family in Europe. My husband is a German native and I watched my mother in law zip up our five-month-old baby in a garment I had never seen before. When I questioned her, she told me it was a special baby sleeping bag designed to keep babies warm and safe all night. Being a mother that had devoured practically every child related book, magazine or article before giving birth; I was amazed that I had never heard of a baby sleeping bag. My husband and I were ecstatic when our little girl slept peacefully and comfortably night after night in this ingenious little sleeping bag - something that she had not done before. I made a mental note to pick up a few of these sleeping sacks when we returned home to America, but to my great disappointment found out that no one else had heard of them either! So why don’t they sell these wonderful little sacks here? I can’t possibly understand why & for that reason we proudly introduce PamperSack™- the European style sleep sack. Our two little babies have been sleeping safely and soundly ever since and we wouldn't dream of using anything else. We are quite certain that once you introduce your child to PamperSack™, your family will feel the exact same way. Welcome to the PamperSack™ family! And sweet dreams….
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