
Personalized Kid Stuff, Personalized Childrens Music, Personalized Kid Stories and Safety Kits


Do you know how to spell your name? Do you know how to dial for an emergency? "NO!" - to my surprise my own little sisters didn't know how to spell their names or dial 911 in case of an emergency. I thought to myself - I wonder how I could teach them without it being a school type lesson. MUSIC, of course!!! Children to the elderly people love music and can learn without even thinking about it. Being in the music profession myself, I set off to make a few songs spelling my sisters' names and learning what to do in case on an emergency. My whole objective was to make it fun and exciting and something the parents could stand listening to.

After creating a couple of songs, "Spell My Name" and "Dial 911," my dad and I sat back and watched something transform right in front of our eyes. Two children (my little sisters); so proud to hear their names and in return they learned how to spell their names that afternoon. So excited over their achievements, I was motivated to write more songs that they could learn. Almost like a test to see how fast they could learn through the gift of music. Well, it worked!! Every song I created and sang, my sisters learned that day - the words and even the melody.

Later that month, my sisters would play their name song with the neighborhood kids and soon I was getting calls requesting new song ideas. Parents have had problems teaching their children the academic way but not anymore. Soon I had eight songs; each of them personalized with the child's name and in each one of them a lesson. The best response was from the parents telling me that the music was something they could enjoy without the irritation that can come from some other children's music.

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