
Attract the Opposite Sex Fast With Date Mate 2000 - Pheromone Spray



Thank you for your interest in our pheromone products. In this report we will try to convey some of the more interesting facts and applications we have learned. Animals communicate by sense of smell and the trigger chemicals in their secretions are called pheromones. These are the ones that inspire a reaction from others of the same species. The word pheromone is derived from Greek and means a communicator of excitement. Humans are of course also animals and we produce the same class of aromas. Although often smells that occur in human sweat, they are not rank body odour, which is generally accepted to be the result of bacterial degradation of our sweat secretions.

ANDROSTENOL (Androstenone)

Furthermore they do not have to be consciously perceived to affect the recipient, as they have been shown to affect our behaviour when used at subconscious levels. ANDROSTENOL (5 ALPHA ANDROST-16-EN-3 ALPHA-OL) is an interesting chemical in this field and has an open market price of between £1,128 - £2,400 per gram. It is associated with youthful exuberance. Virtually none is produced prior to puberty. The peak of its natural production is around late teenage and early twenties. After that production rapidly tails off. It is true to say though that some men produce more natural pheromones than others, which is why you see some guys who are not in the least handsome and yet have no problem in attracting the most beautiful women. Men on average produce about two to three times as much as women.

The most interesting effect this chemical has is that it can alter people's impressions and assessments. (1) A group of test subjects were told that the experiment was to test how the stress of wearing a surgical mask would affect their decisions. They were shown photographs of men, women, animals, trees and buildings and asked to assess them on a scale of aggressive/passive, attractive/unattractive friendly/unfriendly etc., whilst wearing a mask. They were each tested twice with two weeks in between. What they were not told was that minute quantities of ANDROSTENOL were put on the mask on one of the occasions. They were shown exactly the same photographs on both occasions and the results to the questions were different in the presence of ANDROSTENOL.

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