is a class written by Dan Coulter in PHP





phpFlickr is a class written by Dan Coulter in PHP4 to act as a wrapper for Flickr's API. Methods process the response XML and return a friendly array of data to make development simple and intuitive.

Posted on Monday 5 June 2006

I recently started a new Open-Source project on that I thought I'd mention here. I don't know how many phpFlickr users have used SourceForge for projects, but this project is designed to take the pain out of creating a new file release. It is simply a PHP script to be run from the command line that will automatically generate your file release for you. If you use SVN, it'll even package up the files from a release tag. I even used it for the latest release of phpFlickr. It's called Release and can be found at

Posted on Monday 15 May 2006

I've just put up version 1.5.2 of my class up on SourceForge. This version fixes a minor bug in contacts_getList() and contacts_getPublicList. It also adds the new privacy_filter argument to photosets_getPhotos. If neither of these affects you, there isn't much reason to update.

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