
Praying Pelican Missions : Short Term Mission Trips to Belize, Central America


"I will never doubt the power of prayer. I have learned that God will stretch you in many ways that you've never dreamed of and it will amaze you to see the results for His Kingdom. God will use you!"

At Praying Pelican Missions, we've made it our mission to further the Kingdom of God and honor our Lord Jesus Christ by providing international short-term missions experiences for North Americans.

Our vision is to become a short-term missions organization that glorifies Jesus Christ in all that we do. We want to create an environment that impacts our own people as much as the people we are ministering to. We want to break down the walls, barriers, and obstacles that stand between the people of the United States and the rest of the world. We want to bring the world together as one to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.




Praying Pelican Missions
Duluth Minnesota
United States 55811

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