
Editing Services: Copy Editing & Proofreading - Professional Editing Services


About Premier Editors

Premier Editors provides personalized writing, editing and proofreading services. We offer an honest, objective assessment of your draft and aid you to enhance the quality of your text in consideration of individual style and unique requirements. Your draft can be in any medium or of any topic - it does not matter. Our customized professional services will match your exact needs.

Premier Editors puts your needs first. Our emphasis on quality is matched only by our commitment to customer service. We’re easily accessible by phone and e-mail.

One of the keys to our success is locked in our commitment to intensive editing. All tasks are first reviewed and edited by a qualified editor and suggested changes are incorporated. A second set of editors is then employed for a final review before submission to a client for approval. We provide the final copy of the document to our clients in a colour-coded electronic format

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Markham ON
Canada L6E1J4

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