
Presentation Strategies


Augustine Zycher is a specialist in communications. She was the senior producer for CNN in the Jerusalem bureau, appeared on-camera on American and Israeli television programs, and her documentary films were shown around the world. As a TV correspondent and a television producer and director, Ms. Zycher gained extensive in-the-field experience in communicating information. She also worked as a foreign correspondent for the leading Australian daily the 'Age', and her articles appeared in the 'New York Times' and 'Harper's Magazine'. Augustine Zycher assists executives in preparing the content of both presentations and speeches.

Rosalie Zycher has extensive international experience in the presentation arts. She is an award-nominated director and has directed theatre and opera in Australia, the U.S., England and Israel. Trained as an actor at a London theatre school, Ms. Zycher has performed in leading roles in plays touring the world. She has also had comprehensive experience in administration as a co-ordinator of the First New York International Festival of the Arts and as dramaturg of the renown Australian theatre company La Mama. With her vast experience in personal performance skills, Ms. Zycher trains executives in delivery skills.

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