is a company that creates and sell various tools and more.


Outdoor Wood Furniture: Outdoor Wood Furniture by PSMfg - Outdoor Wood Furniture


P.S. Mfg. Company was started by John Hambleton in the late 1980's to manufacture and market his inventions. Production started in the home shop and has lead to the expansion of not only warehouse but office space as well. P.S. Mfg. Company is currently run by John’s children, (Todd, Tracy & Kelli). The most popular item has been the Attractor, long handled magnetic retrieval tool. One product has led to another and varies in marketing categories. The lawn & garden line has increased tremendously. The product line ranges from high quality wooden patio furniture, trellises, planters, wooden bridges, bird feeders, birdhouses, bat house and even more. Through John’s inventions P.S. Mfg. Company has been approached by other inventors to manufacture and market their products and or ideas.

Relieved of day-to-day business obligations, John has returned to inventing. New ideas and inventions are being perfected each and everyday. He looks forward to seeing the company stay in the family and grow with the generations.

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