
ReasonStation - Propellerheads Reason Community :: songs, samples, refills, tips, equipment reviews


ReasonStation started when the Propellerheads announced their ideas and details for their new soft studio Reason. One of the important benefits of Reason is that people can share their songs easily with the rest of the Reason community. ReasonStation was set-up to offer a home to this community, where they can exchange ideas, tips, questions, music, and sounds.

Since the site launch in January 2001, a large number of site improvements have been implemented. Many of our users have contributed by reviewing songs, writing tutorials, and answering questions on the message board. Thanks to all of you for helping to turn ReasonStation into an excellent site. Also many many thanks to Suso for hosting the site on his servers, and Raza for helping to setup the site.

A special thanks to those people that have donated money which allowed me to pay for the bandwidth/hosting/domain charges.

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