Reggae organization providing support to artists & media


Reggae Ambassadors Wordwide... Forwarding The Reggae Vibe Everytime!


Frustrated by meager attendance at Reggae concerts and hit-or-miss service by Reggae Labels, Papa Pilgrim of Salt Lake City and Rastaman Nane' formerly of Grand Rapids Michigan formed Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide in the Summer of 1992.

Nane', a concert promoter and Pilgrim, a writer, are both Reggae radio deejays. Joining forces, they brought to fruition a seed planted some five years ago by Inner Circle's guitarist, Roger Lewis. Lewis, recognizing that there were committed Reggae enthusiasts all over the world, suggested to Papa Pilgrim that these enthusiasts link up to form a massive Reggae network. Such network would serve the best interests of the singers and players as well as the Reggae industry as a whole and act as a vehicle to move Reggae music to higher heights of popularity.

Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide was created to increase public awareness and acceptance of Reggae music and to create more and better opportunities for those who make Reggae music possible: the singers and players of instruments, their agents and managers and promoters, their fans and everyone else participating in this unique art form.

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Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide
Tumon Bay GU
United States 96913

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