provides murals to decorate a business or the home




Beautiful collection of marble, ceramic and glass tile murals. Perfect for the shower, bathroom, kitchen backsplash, floor, bar and wine cellar.

We have a wide collection of images, or can use your personal photos as well.

Additional Information

We can edit images to fit your space. We can also edit your personal photos to clean up unwanted parts. For example removing hair from the face, or removing power poles and bumper stickers.


We can also alter most colors to fit your design.

We have hundreds of images to choose from. Our collection of images range from Monet, Van Gogh, Mucha, Aagaard, Michelangelo and many more, to current artists like Susan Kuznitsky and Twyla's photography. We have also worked with artists individually to a personal mural of their work.

Tile Information

From our website we offer 4" and 6" tiles. We can also do 12" by special request.

The tiles are tumbled marble, gloss ceramic, matte ceramic and glass. Glass tiles can be used on the floor.

The images are not painted on, but instead are reproductions of the painting or photograph. They can by cleaned using a non-abrasive cleaner. They are installed just like normal tile. Currently we do not offer tiles that can be used outdoors. We recommend indoor use only. We plan to offer outdoor murals in the near future. These tiles can be used in the shower are well.


Renaissance Styles
Oregon City OR
United States 97045
1(877) 99-68726

Customer Comments

I just wanted to drop a line to let you know how pleased my wife and I are with our mosaic tiles. They are really a beautifull piece of artwork. Everyone who has seen them really loves them. - Matthew J.

The mural arrived a few days ago and it is FANTASTIC!!! I could not be more pleased. - Catherine S

Contact Us

Portland, Oregon


Who is Renaissance Styles

My name is Julie Hoffman and I run Renaissance Styles. I have been doing this for 5 years. I love playing with art and photographs. Below is one of my murals in our own kitchen.


Besides playing with art, I also sew a lot. I mainly sew Renaissance clothing, which is where my company name originated from. If you ever attend Renaissance Faires in the Northwest we are possible to run into each other.

We are currently an internet only company. However we can make appointments to meet you if you live in the Portland Oregon area. We hope to have a retail space in the near future.