

Florist and Greenhouse in Appleton, Wisconsin


The Appleton Cemetery Association in the cemetery itself established Riverside Florist and Greenhouses in 1877. In those days the greenhouses were heated completely with wood. Delivery service was by horse and wagon, or by bicycle on short trips. The delivery boy pedaling down the street as he balanced a floral package under each arm. In 1905, a new plant was erected on the present site. The business now comprises eight greenhouses, and has been enlarged three times. Mike and Shirley Huss purchased Riverside Florist October, 1968 and are the current owners.

Did you know that green plants actually help clean your indoor air? To refresh the air in a 1,800 square foot area, one study suggests placing 15 plants in spaces where the air circulates well.

Riverside Florist sells or rents green plants to enhance all types of work environments. Because we also offer a service to maintain the health of those plants, it's both worry and hassle-free to surround yourselves and your visitors with a bit of the outdoors.

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