is Rosacea-Chronic irritated red skin condition


Rosacea-Ltd III - Rosacea, Acne Rosacea, and Ocular Rosacea


Overall 98% of Rosacea-Ltd III users confirm that they have found an excellent improvement in two to three weeks in the beauty of their rosacea skin condition after stopping their previous rosacea treatment that have been too aggressive for the overly sensitive rosacea skin. Former rosacea sufferers see a calming of their facial rosacea redness (erythema), dilated facial spidery rosacea vessels (telangectasia), swelling (hyperplasia), rosacea papules (a small, red solid rosacea skin lesion without pus that is not acne) as well as acne and seborrheic dermatitis after stopping their previous rosacea skin treatment.Rosacea-Ltd III is our third generation of the Rosacea-Ltd product line during the last 12 years and is sold throughout the world.

Most other rosacea treatments of retnoids, steroids and laser treatments thin the skin to make the already problematic rosacea skin even more sensitive with more rosacea redness. Therefore, most rosacea sufferers have not been happy with their past rosacea treatment progress. Our objective is to simply do the opposite of most rosacea treatments by leaving the sensitive rosacea skin intact on the face. Regardless of the rosacea stage of beginning or severe rosacea, we can assist you in meeting your rosacea skin happiness potential as others have in the past.

Rosacea is a hereditary, chronic (long term) skin disorder that most often affects the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and chin (Dr. Berasques). Groups of tiny microvessels (arterioles, capillaries, and venules) close to the surface of the skin become dilated, resulting in blotchy red areas with small papules (a small, red solid elevated inflammatory skin lesion without pus, that is minor when the size is of a small measles lesion, moderate when about the size of a pencil eraser, and severe when the papule is the size of a small currency coin or the tip of the little finger) and pustules (pus-filled inflammatory bumps). The redness can come and go, but eventually it may become permanent. Furthermore, the skin tissue can swell and thicken and may be tender and sensitive to the touch. Note: Pustules are NOT pimples. Pimples have a bacterial component to their pathogenesis and are also mainly localized in and around the hair follicles. This implies that there can be no cure for rosacea or even an effective treatment for your rosacea and yet many have found ways to control their rosacea through effective treatment and lifestyle changes.

Rosacea is a fairly common disorder -- about one in every twenty Americans is afflicted with it (Drs. Faria and Edward). Rosacea usually begins with frequent flushing of the face, particularly the nose and cheeks. This facial flushing is caused by the swelling of the blood vessels under the skin. This "red mask" can serve as a flag for attention. Telangiectasis is easy to recognize, characterized by the visible presence of capillaries, bright red in color. Diffuse redness frequently precedes the appearance of telangiectasis and is a constant flushed appearance. True diffuse redness is quite different from a localized erythema as seen in cases of sunburn, inflammation or over stimulation. With both telangiectasis and diffuse redness, the redness is not transitory and there generally is not an increase in skin temperature, but particularly there are no alterations in the tissue structure or biochemistry as seen in rosacea. The circulatory network of the skin is extensive and the capillaries are the smallest, most delicate vessels. During normal blood circulation the capillaries undergo constant changes. In between beats the pressure is relieved and the vessels constrict back to their normal size. This return to normal size is accomplished by the natural elasticity in the structure of the capillary. If telangiectasis is present, the capillaries' elasticity is deteriorated so they remain slightly dilated. The constant influx of blood perpetuates this slight dilation. The skin gradually becomes congested and eventually the capillaries become visible through the skin's surface. When it comes to telangiectasis, sometimes a person's lifestyle and habits can be the skin's worst enemy. In a fair, delicate skin predisposed to telangiectasis, a steady diet of hot, spicy food, chronic alcohol consumption and eating meals too quickly will promote telangiectasis. And many retinoids used for acne as well as many harsh soaps continue to aggravate the skin. Then there's cigarette smoking, which depletes the skin of vitamin C, essential for the formation of collagen, accelerates the crosslinkage of collagen and the hardening of elastin and furthermore creates a trillion free radicals, which destroy the capillary structure. Smoking, which additionally robs the skin of oxygen, is a potent initiator of telangiectasis. Also, the smoker may have a variety of medical problems such as high blood pressure, and mineral deficiencies, which can cause the appearance of telangiectasis.

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Bass and Boney, Inc.
100 Europa Drive, Suite 331
Chapel Hill NC
United States 27517
(919) 942-7735

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