
Rosetta Stone Language Services


The First Rosetta Stone

A compact basalt slab (114x72x28 cm) was found in July, 1799 by a soldier in Napoleon’s army. The place was Raschid (or Rosette), a small Egyptian village located in the western delta of the Nile. Today this stone, referred to as the Rosetta Stone, is on display at the British Museum in London.

The stone contained a single text written in three scripts; hieroglyphs (used in official and religious writing), demotic (everyday Egyptian script) and Greek. Since Greek was a known language and since the text was correctly assumed to be identical in meaning in all three scripts, the French scholar Jean Champollion was able to basically translate the hieroglyphs. Also, with his knowledge of the Coptic language (language of the Christian descendents of the ancient Egyptians) he was able to decipher the phonetic values of the hieroglyphs.

The Second Rosetta Stone

Founded in 1972 by John Furey. Mr. Furey is an engineer by training and a translation agent by heart. In 1994 Rosetta Stone Associates was listed in The Job Seekers Guide to 1000 Top Employers (Author: Jennifer Arnold Mast. 1994). Rosetta Stone Associates was twice nominated by the Raytheon Company for the “Outstanding Small Business Subcontractor of the Year” award. After 30 years in business Rosetta Stone Associates was bought in October 2002 by Eurotext Translations of Dublin, Ireland. Rosetta Stone Associates continues to operate as the US subsidiary with an unsurpassed commitment to our customers, an outstanding quality of all services, competitive prices and an increased pool of highly qualified resources.




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