
Rostock Family Tree


Rostock Farm, in the Swedish province of Småland, Kalmar County, was purchased by Peter Samuel Nilsson and his wife Catarina Petersdotter about 1845. At that time in Sweden, the patronymic naming system was still in general use. Therefore, their sons were given the surname Petersson and their daughters Petersdotter. In rural areas of Småland, families were identified by the name of their farm, our family was known as the Rostock Family.

Ingrid Lindåberg of the Anna-Lisa Branch and Oskar Petersson of the August Branch were family historians and keepers of the family records for many years. Ingrid and Oscar organized the first family reunion in 1952. Reunions have been held every five years since then with the 50th anniversary reunion held in 2002 and the next reunion to be held in 2007.

My great grandfather Frans-Gustav was the fifth of nine children of Peter and Catarina and was the first to emigrate to America in 1870. Frans-Gustav and his descendents eventually lost contact with their relatives in Sweden. In 1969, Charles Olsen (Karl Branch) re-established contact with the Frans-Gustav Branch and produced an extensive family tree which was distributed to the family. In 1987, my parents visited Sweden where they received a detailed family tree from Rune and Gunilla Franzén, owners of Rostock Farm. I decided to compile all this information into a database and eventually produced this website.

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