
IT Solutions for Business


Round Ash Associates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland TQ13 8ES


This can either be achieved through training or by developing custom solutions. The training and consultancy doesn't stop after one session though. We are happy to continue providing training and support until you feel comfortable that you can deal with your own IT requirements.

We have tried to make the site compatible with both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Unfortunately there are still major differences which means that we have mimimised the number of 'cool' features on the site as most of them simply don't work with Netscape browsers.

Many of the terms introduced on these pages include a hyperlink (in blue as opposed to green) to the glossary where there is a brief explanation. In Internet Explorer a small window will open in front of the page. NOTE clicking on another glossary term will open a separate window so always close the window after viewing a term. Netscape Navigator will open a separate full page window but subsequent clicks on a glossary term will be displayed in the same window. The status bar 'Javascript error' is a product of trying to create a solution compatible with both browsers.

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