
Safe Tattooing


The Alliance of Professional Tattooists, Inc. is a nonprofit educational organization that was founded in 1992 to address the health and safety issues facing the tattoo industry. Up until that time, no organized effort to educate artists or standardize infection control procedures had been made and increased popularity was bringing the industry under the scrutiny of lawmakers and health officials. Recognizing the need for change, a group of concerned professionals formed APT and the work began. As a testimony to our success, look at tattoo advertising. In the early 90's, very few shops mentioned autoclave sterilization, sterile equipment or gloves. Now these procedures are standard.

With increasing numbers of people voicing concern about the safety of tattooing, it is more important than ever to have accurate information on hand to help others understand the truth about HIV and hepatitis transmission. Through education, knowledge and activism, APT and its members promote the understanding that professional tattooing is a safe expression of art.

Our work is important to artists, the communities they serve and the mainstream public. Legislators, many of whom have never seen a tattoo applied and who may have misconceptions and prejudices are busy drafting laws that will affect the industry. We seek to educate lawmakers, dispel myths and counter misinformation with researched fact. While APT believes the industry should police itself, it does accept that sometimes outside regulation is inevitable. For legislation to be effective, it must be fair, sane, and enforceable. The best way to ensure that is through a single, unified, organized voice.

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Alliance of Professional Tattooists, Inc
215 West 18th Street ste 210
Kansas City, MO
United States 64108

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