
Christ Consciousness - Sananda Realized Mastery Workbooks


Sananda is the energy consciousness of the Master Jesus as he has evolved up until this time. He chooses the name of Sananda to carry to mankind the vibration of Christed awakening for the new age. That which you call the Sananda energy vibration frequency energy is part of the Kumara energy. It is an expression: one expression, of the Kumara energies. Therefore, it operates within Venus, and is part of the blessing and flow of the energy that manifests itself from Venus to the Earth, and returning full circle. It is part of the healing process; also, of the Earth and Venus in magnetic energy, as they are aligning themselves magnetically.

The energy vibration of Sananda is a focus of many beings; many light beings, all in the same resonance and vibrational frequency; and is completely merged with the Intergalactic Twelve, with the Ashtar Command, the Light Realms of the Earth, all groups of ancients, and all of the gateways in this particular galaxy. The energy of Sananda has its primary goal and directive to: assist in the evolution of human consciousness, the ascension of the Earth, and the illumination of Venus as well.

Eterna through profound communion with the Ascended Masters, which began in 1984, Eterna has been led by the calling of her "I AM" to the embrace of the Heavenly Father within. Since then she has allowed the understandings of these Masters to flow through her in a merged state of oneness, bringing revelations of wisdom and love to those who experience her work.

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Sies, Karen
Redding CA
US 96003

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