is a company that researches engineering for companies.

Title - Scientific Engineering Research Corporation


Excerpted from the website:

About Us
SERC was established in 2008 as "SCIENTIFIC ENGINEERING RESEARCH CORPORATION" and is an international, governmental registered, non-profit making scientific organization. Its membership counts 25 International Scientific Unions which are discipline-oriented. SERC also has 95 national members which are mostly interdisciplinary scientific Academies or national Research Councils. A new generation of engineers is emerging in response to today's needs, relying increasingly on environmentally sound technologies and engineering processes compatible with sustainable development. SERC's programme in engineering research provides technical and scientific assistance to improve world wide research in engineering disciplines and encourage the transfer and sharing of knowledge. The objectives of SERC, as outlined in its Statutes, are, among others: (a) to encourage and promote international scientific and technological activity for the benefit and well-being of humanity; (b) to encourage the strengthening of human and physical scientific resources world-wide with particular emphasis on the developing world; (c) to promote the public understanding of science. Technological development requires a solid scientific basis and needs to be resolutely oriented towards less polluting production, greater efficiency in resource use and more environmentally friendly products. Science and technology have profoundly influenced the course of human civilization. Science has provided us remarkable insights into the world we live in. The scientific revolutions of the 20th century have led to many technologies, which promise to herald wholly new eras in many fields. Science has a role in safeguarding the planet's natural resources base, biodiversity and life-support systems. World-wide efforts have been initiated to develop and strengthen research programmes to provide all scientists, academicians, engineers and researchers with basic facilities. This should include world wide technological publications in order to develop and expand technological literacy. As a means of attaining its objectives, the Statutes further stipulate that SERC should: (i) co-operate with the United Nations and its agencies, and with other international intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations; (ii) provide, through suitable channels, information to interested parties and the public at large about progress in science and technology and its impact on society. Creativity in science relies on critical and free thinking - both essential elements in a democratic world. So it is normal that scientists should uphold the full and open access to information. Research can then be publicly accountable. In this way science will defend the intellectual and moral solidarity which is the basis of a culture of peace. World-wide co-operation is another way scientists, academicians, engineers and researchers can contribute to the peaceful development of civilisation. SERC, offers a unique forum for interaction between organizations that create, disseminate and use scientific and technical information. SERC's mission cuts across scientific and technical disciplines, as well as international borders, to give member organizations the benefit of a truly global community. Science & Engineering has always been an integral part of the International traditions. The SERC also acts as a focus for the exchange of ideas, the communication of scientific and engineering information and the development of scientific and technological standards. Scientific conferences, congresses and symposia are organized all round the world and a wide range of newsletters, handbooks, learned journals and proceedings of meetings is published. SERC also assists in the creation of international and regional networks of scientists with similar interests. As we stand today at the beginning of a new century, we have to ensure fullest use of these developments for the well being of our people. SERC maintains close working relations with a number of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, in cooperation with which a number of international programmes have been launched.
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