Title - Welcome


Excerpted from the website:

This is a personal website developed to share information. It has been online since August 2001, since which lot of major changes have been made (except that this is still largely a static information site). The website contains 3 sub-sections consisting of Dr. A.T. Sherikar's pages, Dr. (Mrs.) A.A. Sherikar's pages and Shekhar Sherikar's pages. Through this website, we have tried to share our lives and information with whosoever interested in knowing about us and using the information on this website. Apart from our introductions, resumes, and contact information there is information which may be useful to people. This is work in progress. The addition of new content is bound by constraints of life. Nevertheless, quite some effort and work has gone into bringing this work to the present stage and this website will continue to improve.
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