


When EquiFit Inc.'s Founder and President, Alexandra Cherubini, learned to ride horses, her instructor had her keep a stick between her forearms and her back to keep her posture straight. She vowed to find another way to help competitive riders with their posture. Years later, with the help of a team of orthopedists, she developed ShouldersBack which gently pulls the shoulders back and holds them in proper position without hyper-extending the lower back.

In response to consumer interest, EquiFit began to distribute ShouldersBack to spa professionals, frequent business travelers, car pooling parents, office workers, and others who lean or sit for long periods of time. Its mission went beyond the horse realm to provide innovative product solutions to ergonomic and personal comfort challenges. "When you hear someone say they love ShouldersBack because it gives them confidence and helps them feel good in their clothes, you want to make it available to everyone," says Cherubini." It does not need to stay a secret just among riders and celebrities."





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