
SIDS of Pennsylvania - Supporting Infant Death Survivors


The Pennsylvania Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Alliance began to fulfill its mission of support, education and research in 1981. At that time a group of SIDS parents joined together to assure future SIDS parents the support they would need to work through the devastating grief they would experience.

With the adoption of the Tree of Hope as our symbol, we are reminded that even though the fallen leaf, symbolizing the lost infant, is separated from the family, the family can remain strong and continue to grow with the proper nurturing. We have dedicated our lives to providing that nurturing. The tree also symbolizes the many branches of our organization.

In addition to support of families, we continue to provide support to the public through our ‘Cribs for Kids’ Campaign, which has provided over 2,300 new cribs and mattresses to families throughout Western Pennsylvania since 1998. Our education branch is responsible for the education of thousands of first responders, nurses, doctors, funeral directors, parents and grandparents about the proper handling of a SIDS death and ways to Reduce the Risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Our continued support of research produced life-saving programs such as the ‘Back to Sleep’ Campaign, which is responsible for cutting our SIDS rates by close to 50% since 1994.

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PA Sids Alliance
Pittsburgh PA
US 15237

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