


Privacy Policy

Igloolik Isuma Productions respects your privacy. The information we collect is non-personal and is used only to make SILA a positive experience for our users. If you send us content to publish on SILA (like artwork, text, class projects), you will be identified only by your first name, age, city and country.

If you send us a question, or sign-up to receive a newsletter, you will have to provide an email address. This personal information remains confidential and will be treated as such.

Use of Cookies

SILA uses cookies to help you navigate the site. Our site uses cookies to remember your computer's settings (for example which player you use to watch video), personal preferences (like the language you prefer or what parts of a game you already played), get statistics (how many people visit SILA or what parts of the site are most popular). Cookies do not contain any personal information. You can delete the cookies on your computer by choosing "options" or "preferences" in your browser.

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