is product information for a discontinued skin care cream.


Barrier Cream Stops Contact Dermatitis - Chimal Skin Shield


Excerpted from the website description:

Barrier Cream Stops Contact Dermatitis! As we live each day, nature has provided each of us with an extremely efficient protection from external contact with the harsh environment we live in. We call it our SKIN. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It is capable of absorbing just about everything it comes in contact with. And, it does not discriminate. Our skin is our first line of defense against external contact. While our skin enjoys some very pleasant contact, it is unfortunate that it also encounters some extremely harmful exposure that we must defend against. Common household products, acids, paints, scrubbing solutions, harsh chemicals. bodily fluids and excretions, pollution in our water, air, soil, construction byproducts, as well as toxins, toxic chemicals and mutated agents assault us each day. Given the severity and extensity of these dangerous and disgusting assaults, it is understandable that our skin could use a little help: a SHIELD! Chimal Skin Shield provides



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