
Skunks Ultimate - Southampton University Ultimate Club



The committee takes care of the running and general management of the club, as laid out in the constitution. This includes:

I decided to give ultimate a go after a friend got all enthusisatic about it when he went to uni. Glad I stuck with it!!! I am sickos partner in 3 pint challenges for the year (I hope) and look forward to many victories on and off the pitch (hehehe) I am really excited about all the possibilities the club holds at the moment. With the womens team looking very promising from the outset the only thing we need now is some giant american to keep the first team on track :P As club secretary you will hear from me from time to time, I promise to try and keep things short, on which note I will shut up now. Ciao.

My name's Nick 'Sicko' Curzon and I've been playing Ultimate for two years with Southampton University Skunks and the local Geo team, Ltd Release. I was part of the successful 1st team last year and hope to lead the club to greater success this year! As current skunks 3-pint challenge maestro, I am also found at most (if not all) socials. I am also a major scourge of all new Buffalo members. If you're at all puzzled about Ultimate, 3-pint challenges the buffalo club or indeed the origins of my nickname - just ask.

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Nuthatch, Forest Edge Rd, Ringwood


Andrew Feltham Trading As: Andrew Feltham

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