
Somerset Karate


Somerset /'s&m-&r-"set/ a county in SW England, on the Bristol Channel; county town Taunton; area 1383 square miles (3582 km

Karate /k&-'rä-tE/ n. a Japanese form of unarmed combat using the hands and feet as weapons. It involves training of the mind as well as the body and seeks to concentrate the body's power at the point of impact. Modern karate is a product of the 20th century, but its roots are ancient. [Japanese from kara empty + te hand]

Somerset Karate teachs a style of karate called Tsuen-Mo-Luen (pronounced Tsin-Moo-Lin) which incorporates elements from a number of martial arts and was founded by Grandmaster Lam Wun Sun in Hong Kong (see History).

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