

Institute Spine Ultrasound Imaging


Directed by Dr. John D. Reid D.C., a pioneer in ultrasound spine imaging, (U.S.A. Patent, granted 1992) The Institute offers training and textbooks based upon over two decades of spinal ultrasound imaging by Dr. Reid as well as independent Medical authors.

An Armed Forces Vietnam Era Veteran and later a graduate of Columbia University, N.Y.C. and NorthWestern College of Chiropractic (1977), Dr. Reid directed a rare combination of skills in biology, electronics, and physics to build and test ultrasound soft tissue textural scanners from 1978 through 1987. The results from these pilot studies were exciting enough that a hospital grade scanning unit (Picker B-arm) was purchased and modified. This unit tuned and programmed in new ways provided clear images of the spinal vertebrae from the posterior aspect, and a United States Patent Application was consequentially filed. Upon granting of the Patent in 1992 "The New York Times" in March of that year ran a feature story in its Saturday Business Review section and the small corporation formed around the discoveries suddenly became World famous.

Dr. Reid and his students continued to propagate the technology and the field has grown to today's rather remarkable utilization level of thousands of satisfied professionals in Medicine, Chiropractic, Orthopedics, Osteopathy, Physiatry, and Sport's Medicine. A common language of Ultrasound Scan detected inflammation and stress signs is rapidly creating cooperative understanding across all professional boundaries for the benefit of all patients. Today modern, high resolution, low cost, scanning units allow any trained doctor to gain the advantage of convenient, daily, soft tissue imaging with harmless ultrasound.

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