works on various proposals on social policy in France.


Semaines Sociales de France - Bienvenue


About us

The Semaines Sociales de France were born at the beginning of the XXth century, from the will of a certain number of Catholics to make known the social thought of the Church and to apply it to the issues of their time, such as the condition of manufacturing workers, denounced as inhuman by the Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891).

Created by two laymen, Marius Gonin and Adéodat Boissard, it hold its first session in Lyon in 1904 (200 persons were expected, 450 attended !). Henri Lorin was the President of this team until he died in 1919. Between the two World Wars, under the presidency of Eugene Duthoit, Professor in Law in Lille, the Semaines Sociales held more specialized sessions, dealing not only with social issues but also with subjects related to the major concerns of these times, in particular Peace and Democracy.

Shortly after the Second World War, under the presidency of a former "Résistant", Charles Flory (until 1960) and of Alain Barrère, Professor in Economics (until 1985), the Semaines Sociales covered various social topics, with more pronounced economic approaches, in particular related to the problems of the Third World and the phenomena of socialization. The most successful session gathered up to 5,400 persons in Lyon in 1964.

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