
Stakeholder Pensions UK Pensions


Transferring from a Company Pension Scheme

There are several different types of company pension scheme although the most commonly used are the Final Salary and Money Purchase types of scheme. It is important to note that Group Personal Pension and Stakeholder Pensions offered by your employer, do not fall under company pension scheme rules and regulation, for information on transferring from a personal or stakeholder pension scheme please refer to the personal pension transfer section.

As a result of the “Maxwell" pensions scandal the pensions mis-selling in the late eighties and early nineties, legislation surrounding company pension schemes has continuously become more complex. So much so, that to transfer your funds out of a “Company Pension Scheme” a pension transfer specialist must produce a full transfer analysis and advise you as to what your options are and the most appropriate course of action.

Before you reach retirement it is worth assessing what you want from your pension and considering the available options. We have tried to highlight the main options in considering transferring from a Company Pension Scheme;

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