
The JobSeekers Guide to the Galaxy - The JobSeekers Guide


Excerpted from the website description:

StickBall-How Many Imppossible Things Have You Done Today?, I was in the town of B. visiting a sick relative of mine, and with me were two of my other friends from the school. It was here that we chanced upon a street game which, of course with our impulsive behaviour and rash pride in our flourishing new skills, we couldn't help but join in. We should have listened to our teacher more. When one is learning power one needs control, if the control is, The stick and the ball, two of mans first possessions. Why for so long had these been used as an excuse For war when the immediate benefits for the self, At the beginning of the universe there was no forces, no time, no gravity, and no weak nor strong electromagnetic and radiated energies., I had been travelling around for many years by this time and I thought I had long ago discovered most of the so called esoteric secrets of the worlds religions and ideologies., This is where to start.[youtube: width 250 height 200] Watch the Documentary. What is StickBall? Then watch the rest...



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