is a site about the new Stop Growing Older...Grow Younger book.


Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger


Excerpted from the website description:

Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger - Lifestyle changes you can incorporate to become healthier and younger 60 is the new 40.

The site introduces you to the book Stop Growing Older...Grow Younger, a reference guide to to your own personal health revolution. J Collin Towers, the author, spent the last two years personally researching and evaluating the latest nutrition, supplement, super foods, lifestyle, exercise and product information for you to grow younger and healthier at any age. He condensed all this information into a single volume with clear explanations of how each nutrient works, why you need to supplement, and which companies supply the highest quality product. His book contains internet links and phone numbers for all the products companies that he uses to grow younger. Towers exposes the propaganda that the medical industry, food industry and pharmaceutical companies bombard us with. He clearly shows how they put profits above our wellness and longevity.

Through this site, you can learn about the book, find acclaim from readers, get acquainted with the author, and buy the book. There is a welcoming link to contact the author with any questions or suggestions.




J Collin Towers

Additional Information

Order the eBook today and learn over 20 things you can do to reverse the aging process and become younger and healthier

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