
Foot Pain Solutions


Participating in life means different things to different people. For some it means succeeding at a high level of sports, achieving a personal best in a marathon, skiing the 50 km course at the Sibley Ski Tour, or playing an entire season of basketball without those nagging shin splints.

For others, participating in life means being able to work their forty hours at the mill, and still be able to pick up some over time to help pay for the kids braces or education. It can mean completing a nursing shift, with a smile on your face, because your feet, knees, or hips aren't killing you.

Still, there are those that look at participating in life as getting out into the community to shop for their own groceries, to be able to get up from a wheelchair and complete their physiotherapy.

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Thunder Bay ON
Canada P7B6A7


Stride Orthopaedics & Footwear
Thunder Bay ON
Canada P7B5Z5

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