


Excerpted from the website description:

Surfin Kangaroo Studio, Surfin, Surfing, Kangaroo, Studio, Valley, Forge, Coral Cave, World, Music, Project, Synthesizer, electronic, music, elektronische Musik, chinesische Musik, china, chinesische Kultur, New York Film Academy,New York, San Francisco, San Antonio, Texas, USA, chinese, chinese language, China, Shanghai, Michalowicz, Sequencer, analoge Synthesizer, analog, digital, ambient, Film, Theatre, Theater, Film Music, Theatre Music, Ambient Music, Neighbors, free mp3 downloads, fortune teller, Wahrsager, Atari, Atari Computer, Ein Leben zu Zweit, Geister, Meergeister und noch mehr Geister, Ghosts, Lotus, Dat schwatte Licht, View of a city, City Lights, Sunday Hang Over, Texas Dawn, Caves, Clown, Animation, Meditation, Formant, Score, Soundtrack, Sounds, Effects, translation, chinese, german, Video, experimental, development, midi, keyboards



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