

SWO: Studies of War & Oppression


What is Studies of War & Oppression

You might be wondering "what exactly is SWO?" Well, first off, it's a joke. That's right, a joke. We're not that serious about the whole thing. I just wish that the FBI would quit asking people we know about us. Mainly, it started out as an antagonist to an organization in High School known as "Students for Peace and Justice", also known as " Students for Peanut Butter and Jelly." SWO was originally called "Students of War and Oppression", but we're no longer students, so it changed to "Studies of".

Primarily, we're a bunch of guys who've been roleplaying and wargaming together since junior-high and high-school. That's the main idea behind SWO; a gaming group whose members have many of the same interests. We're based here in Fort Collins, Colorado, and number about 12 or so. We're a pretty diverse group. Several of our number have served in the Military (Army, Navy and Marine Corps) and several members have lived abroad, in Japan, Europe, Russia and even Idaho. Talk about remote!

Game History

Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Battletech/Mechwarrior, AD&D (to include Greyhawk, Dark Sun and quite a few unique worlds), Cyberpunk:2020, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire, Rifts, Ninjas & Superspies, Star Wars, Traveller, Car Wars, and probably a few more I can't remember. Not to mention the games that we have made in the past, and ones currently under development.

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Studies of War & Oppression
Fort Collins CO
US 80526

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