is an online platform to Crowdsource Ideas & Innovations


the3iportal - CrowdSourcing Ideas & Innovations


Written by Webportal's owner:

The3iportal is a 'One Stop CrowdSourcing Platform' for Companies to get bright and innovative ideas from internet users. It taps into the 'Wisdom of Crowds'. The aim is to transform the way we live our lives or conduct our business by capturing imagination of the individuals across an organization/ world at large and transform them into ideas leading to innovation.

There are Organisations which are in constant need of Ideas and Innovation (technologies including) to meet its organisational goals & objectives, and also to stay ahead of competition. On the other side there are individuals having bright and innovative ideas that are hard to market and get visibility to. The3iportal is a plaform to bring these two together. Then there are 'Experts' in different areas like Intellectual Property, Innovation Consultants, Industry Experts who will be sensitising and educating users in their respective areas with help of Blogs, News and Columns.

The3iportal also allows its users to collaborate and brainstorm using tools like Groups, Discussions and Polls.

Join the crusade to 'Ignite the World with Bright Minds'.

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Services by The3iportal (acronym- 3IP)

For Organisations:

1. Crowdsource Ideas/ Solutions against Challenges/ Problems

2. Find, select and license new Technologies

3. Conduct (& we will promote your) Innovation Programs through 3IP

4. Engage your customers in new Product and Service ideations.

For Bright Minds (Individuals)

Give Solutions, Share Ideas & Innovations and thereby

1. Win cash awards

2. Get internships and jobs

3. Get funding and licensing deals

4. Get IPR Protection

5. Get educated on What to do with your ideas, innovations & technologies.

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