
Ambler Index


Un(der)employed freelance writer and editor Kevin Michael Grace is a living refutation of Ned Rorem's claim that one cannot be both despised and unknown. His opinions have made him persona non grata in his native land, but this is more a comment on invertebrate Canada than a proof of any great courage on his part.

Since November 2002, the primary outlet for KMG's journalism has been his "blog," The Ambler. Named for his love of walking - and a sly reference to his fecklessness - The Ambler has been, notwithstanding consistent neglect and regular hardware crises, viewed by over 300,000 visitors.

A college dropout, KMG worked at the University of British Columbia Library for 12 years. He did not become a member of the "media" until 1986, when a chance introduction led to him becoming a producer at CJOR Radio in Vancouver. He later produced shows for CJCA Radio and CFRN-TV in Edmonton, KOGO Radio in San Diego and Canada's WIC Radio Network.

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