
recording studios Shropshire -Beehouse Recording Studio - Shropshire, Wales


Relaxation therapy methods have the following beneficial effects: they can reduce your stress levels, raise your productivity, and enhance your sense of well-being in a physical, mental and spiritual sense.Following a course of relaxation therapy may help you to combat the problems encountered by the build-up of stress in your daily life. These problems include damage to your physical and mental health and your spiritual equilibrium, and a lowering of your productivity both at home and at work, caused by overwork and too many different sources of responsibility. Stress can do irreparable damage to relationships with family, partners and friends, and it is therefore essential that the stressed individual takes action and time to put this right.

1. Take regular breaks. These can include short walks in a pleasant place, moving away from the focus on work, a short chat, a quiet moment. Even a visit to the bathroom, or walking an animal can help and become a type of relaxation therapy if it takes you away from th point of work.

2. Breathe. When you feel under pressure, breathe in through your nose, hold the breath for ten or twenty seconds, and the slowly release it through your mouth.

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